The Ndlambe Municipality falls within the Cacadu District Municipality area, Eastern Cape Province. The Ndlambe Municipal area is bordered by the following Local Municipal areas:

  • Makana within the Cacadu District Municipality to the North
  • Sundays River Valley within the Cacadu District Municipality to the West
  • Ngqushwa within the Amatole District Municipal Area to the East

The Ndlambe Municipal area forms part of the Eastern Coastal Zone (one of the areas within the Cacadu District Municipality that has similar geographical characteristics and requires similar geographical guidance). This area can be described as an area with:

  • A pristine coastal area
  • Well preserved river mouths and inter-tidal areas
  • Diverse vegetation
  • Relatively low density development along the coast
  • Major tourism potential

The Municipality consists of nine Wards with a total population of 54 708 (Census 2001). Ndlambe shows a population growth of 2.9% from 1996 – 2001, which is the second highest growth rate in the District. The Municipality also shows the second highest population density of 23 per m² in the Cacadu District. The density ratio represents strength in the Municipality, as more cost effective service delivery options can be explored.